Friday, October 06, 2006

Hook update, just a couple of layers of Burn and Dodge, not to mention shadow. Nowhere near done but he's looking really cool.

Probably should eventually paste stuff up on deviantart?

Coming up is a chance for you to support local theatre,
that is if you're in Savannah. The Savannah Actor's Theatre in Savannah, GA is possibly being shut down. They need help in three ways,

One, donations which you can make on their website,

Two, if you or someone is a professional mechanic, electrician, or anything else that helps make inspections pass, ask them if they could go have a look, just to let officials know that this theatre is in tip top shape for running shows and more importantly holding people.

Three, come see their rendition of Clive Barker's CRAZYFACE OCT 17-NOV 4. Do I say that because I'm the lead in the show, because my opinion is biased, and I want to have as many people come and see it as possible? HELL YES. This is going to be an incredibly graphic show. I know that both Clive Barker and Neil Gaiman have been invited to the event. I invited also Alan Alda. Are any of them going to show??? Probably not, and who can blame em, this is a busy time for them. But they give the show their blessing and are deeply excited about how the run of the show turns out.

Don't know if anyone's read into this or not, but the official Peter Pan sequel is about to be released. Entitled, PETER PAN IN SCARLET.... not sure what to think, but oh well.

300 trailer was released this week, off of the official website, need I say, incredible.

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